When to use commas?

-for independent clauses with: and, but for, on, nor, so yet,
-after introductory clauses/phrases
-to set off nonessential elements
-when listing 3+ things
-to separate coordinating adjectives
-to indicate a pause
-the end of a sentence refers to the beginning
-places, dates, addresses, titles,
When not to:
-to separate essential elements (after "that" clauses)
-between final adj. and noun
-between months and days
-between street name and number
-linking independent clauses with no connecting words
1. I would stay after school, but I realized I forgot to walk my dog this morning
2. A girl, named Veronica, smiled at me.
3. On May 29, 1993 Gregg Sulkin was born
4. Today I have to do my homework, vacuum, clean downstairs, clean my room, and do the laundry.