We asked our tutors to tell us about their favorite teacher. Here are a few of their responses.
Sara Khorramshagol
I have many favorite teachers, basically all my teachers that I have had in the past are my favorite. But the one that I've made a close connection with is my sophomore history teacher, Mrs. Beckmann.I found Mrs. Beckmann to be the teacher that could tolerate my weirdness and craziness. I found her to also be very talented and knowledgeable about World History. Mrs. Beckmann made me love World History. Out of all the subjects in school, World History is one of my all time favorite classes. In Mrs. Beckmanns class I felt comfortable and always wanted to participate, and was actually motivated to do my work. I would always study and put my 100% effort.
Mrs. Beckmann really helped me retain the information. Whenever she could, she would try to connect the info to the real world. She mentioned to the class about I am Malala and I was very interested to read it. I am so inspired to learn more from Mrs. Beckmann.